Party Wall & Neighbour Issues
The Party Wall Etc Act 1996 gives certain rights and obligations on owners in relation to work to Party Walls, excavation close to structures and construction on boundaries.
It provides for the prevention and resolution of disputes between neighbours through the appointment of Chartered Surveyors who act independently in accordance with the Act to be certain that any works are carried out that protect the rights of the Parties involved.
Fifield Glyn Residential offer the following as part of their residential property management services in connection with the Party Wall Act as follows:–
• Advice as to whether the Act is applicable
• Acting as appointed Surveyors in accordance with the Act
• Serving Notices and Awards
• Providing searches on Tenants and Owners
• Impartial negotiation services
To discuss this service further, please contact:
Edward Fifield Bsc FRICS
Managing Director
Mobile: 07970 723526
DDI: 020 8731 5881
Email: edward.fifield@fifieldglyn.com